Life without Integrity - is a life of uncertainty

In God We Trust on our Currency

IF you are wondering why We the People in USA are having so much Change in our way of life in the USA , here is the reason:

                      Removing God from our core foundation as a Nation.

Question: What is our USA National Motto ? The Answer : IN GOD WE TRUST

Ask other US Citizens ,see what they say

Remember this when you vote. Insist on people whom run for OUR offices, be it school boards or political offices, that they have a core belief in God and from that they maintain our USA fundamental foundation. Of course those opposed to God will come out in a vicious attack , claiming racist or bigot or the most widely used, thats discrimination. Nope it is not discrimination it is a Choice We the people Make in the USA , it’s called Freedom to elect whom WE know will protect & Maintain our USA Foundation

Take a look at a vid done a few years ago, which is now part of Family Policy alliance

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